CSS justify-content – flexbox children aligment
The justify-content property aligns flex items along the main axis of the current line of the flex container. It is flex container property. Syntax: justify-content read more
CSS flex-flow – flex direction and wrap shorthand
The flex-flow property is a shorthand for setting the flex-direction and flex-wrap properties. It is flex container property. The default value is row nowrap. Syntax: read more
CSS flex-wrap
The flex-wrap property controls whether the flex container is single-line or multi-line. It is flex container property. Syntax: Example – flex-wrap
CSS flex-direction – flexbox container ordering and orientation
The contents of a flex container can be laid out in any direction and in any order using flex-direction. It is flex container property. Syntax: read more
Javascript – Number function
The Number JavaScript object is a wrapper object allowing you to work with numerical values. A Number object is created using the Number() constructor. It read more
Javascript – parseInt
The parseInt() function parses a string argument and returns an integer of the specified radix (default 10). In case the string starts with a valid read more
Javascript – check if string is number
The isNaN() function determines whether a value is NaN (Not-A-Number) or not. Note that parseInt approach may not work with strings having valid number prefix. read more
jQuery ui slider and input text box – two way binding
jQuery ui can be used to create a slider with updated value getting displayed in an input text box and any update in text box read more
jQuery ui slider and input text box – one way binding
jQuery ui can be used to create a slider with updated value also getting displayed. Syntax: Example – slider and input text box – one read more
CSS box-shadow
CSS (CSS3) box-shadow property attaches one or more drop-shadows to the box. CSS property box-shadow Few points to note: blur radius spread distance and color read more