AngularJS ng-change example
AngularJS ng-change expression is evaluated when the user changes the input.
AngularJS ng-blur example
AngularJS ng-blur expression is evaluated when an element (window, input, select, textarea, a) loses focus.
AngularJS ng-bind-template example
AngularJS ng-bind-template attribute take a template string and can contain multiple {{ }} expressions.
AngularJS ng-bind example
AngularJS ng-bind attribute tells Angular to replace the text content of the specified HTML element with the value of a given expression. It also updates read more
AngularJS ng-dblclick examples
Example1 AngularJS ng-gblclick example to increment a variable on every double click. Example2 AngularJS ng-dblclick example to increment a variable on every double click. This read more
AngularJS ng-click examples
Example1 AngularJS ng-click example to increment a variable on every click. Example2 AngularJS ng-click example to increment a variable on every click. This time use read more
Java – this keyword
Using this to access a field In case a field is shadowed by method or constructor parameter, the field can be accessed using this keyword. read more
Chrome – remove an accepted certificate
Steps to remove an accepted certificate (e.g. a self signed certificate) from Chrome browser. Click on Chrome settings. On settings page click on advanced settings read more
Rsync – exclude specific file extension
To exclude a specific file extension (say .class) we can use –exclude “*.class” (or –exclude=”*.class”). Note that it can be repeated multiple time. $ rsync read more
Git – show log of one user’s commits
git log –author=pattern can be used to show log of all users matching a specific pattern. $ git log –author=Ram $ git log –author=”R.*m” // read more