CSS transition-duration
The CSS transition-duration property defines the length of time that a transition takes. Example – transition-duration
CSS transition-property
The CSS transition-property property specifies the name of the CSS property to which the transition is applied. Example – transition-property
CSS transition – animation effect when properties change
CSS property transition can be used to create animation effect when other specified properties change. This can only be applied on animatable properties. Few points read more
jQuery – how to get version info
to get jQuery version info the variable jQuery.fn.jquery (or $.fn.jquery if $ is being used for jQuery object) can be used. Some examples. jQuery version read more
jQuery ui – make an element draggable
jQuery ui can be used to make an element draggable/movable by mouse drag. Note that it does not work with touch events. Syntax: // After read more
Javascript parse json string
JSON.parse() can be used to parse a given json string into javascript value (array, string, etc.) Here are some examples Example – parse json containing read more
Javascript convert array to json string
JSON.stringify() can be used to convert a given javascript value to json strng. Usage: JSON.stringify(value[, replacer[, space]]) Here are some examples Example – JSON.stringify() default read more
Python rstrip – remove training spaces and newline
Python rstrip can be used to removed trailing whitespaces (spaces, newlines, tabs, etc.) from a string. It Usage newstring = s.rstrip([chars]) If chars string is read more
AngularJS ng-init
The ng-init directive allows you to evaluate an expression in the current scope. This can be used to initialize model values. Usage: Example Initialize date read more
AngularJS – dynamic css using ng-style
Angularjs ng-style directive can be used to define inline style attribute which can define dynamic style values using variables. Usage: Note that expression evals to read more