CSS :nth-of-type
CSS :nth-of-type(an+b) pseudo class represent all sibling elements of same type whose sibling position (starting from 1) is obtained by putting n=0,1,2,3… and so on. read more
Css :nth-child
CSS :nth-child(an+b) pseudo class represent all sibling elements whose sibling position (starting from 1) is obtained by putting n=0,1,2,3… and so on. Note that sibling read more
CSS :root
The :root pseudo-class represents an element that is the root of the document. In case of HTML, it is html element. Example – css :root read more
CSS :checked – style for selected checkbox and radio
The :checked pseudo-class represents elements (checkbox and radio) that are in an selected (checked) state. Example – css :checked checkbox element This example highlights span read more
CSS :enabled :disabled – style of enable and disabled elements
The :enabled pseudo-class represents elements (input, textarea, button, etc.) that are in an enabled state. Such elements have a corresponding disabled state also. Similarly :disabled read more
CSS pseudo class :lang
The :lang pseudo-class can used to select elements based on language. Example – css :lang This example show french language content in different color.
CSS pseudo class :target
The :target pseudo-class applies to an element which has id matching with fragment identifier (string after hash). e.g. in url http://example.com/html/top.html#section1 section1 is fragment/anchor identifier. read more
Android lollipop – add the clock widget to home screen
To add clock widget (analog or digital) on Android Lollipop, these steps can be followed. For Android other versions, instructions are slightly different. Touch an read more
CSS id selectors – define style by element id
The CSS id selector matches element having a specific id attribute This can be used to specify CSS style based on element id. Note that read more
CSS class selectors – define style by class name
The CSS class selector matches element having a specific class name as one of the classes in attribute class. This can be used to specify read more