Mac m1 – How to Install Kubernetes with kind
Steps to install kubernetes on Mac m1: Install docker on mac (m1) from the link. Run docker. Install kind. kind lets you run Kubernetes on read more
Mac command line convert svg to png
convert utility on Mac (it comes with imagemagick package) can be used to convert an svg to png. Here is an example. SVG file (test.svg) read more
Find used ports by an app on Android using Adb
This article will cover steps to find used ports (on destination side) by an app on Android using adb command. We will use pixel-2 for read more
Install Android 8 on Pixel 2
This article will cover steps to install Android 8 on Pixel 2. The similar steps can also be used to install other Android versions in read more
Find top processes by memory/cpu on Android using Adb
This article will cover steps to find top processes by memory/cpu on Android using Adb. We will use pixel-2 for this article. But any other read more
Root Android pixel 2 using Magisk and boot image patching
Steps to root an Android Pixel 2 phone using Magisk and boot.img patching. Unlock bootloader Enable debug mode in Android if not done already Reboot read more
How to extract number from a string – google sheets
Sample usage to remove string prefix and extract remaining number in suffix. The outcome will be
Linux ping a port using netcat
To check if a port is reachable on Linux This is tested using nc version 7.50 (package nmap-ncat) on Amazon Linux. nc -vz localhost 22Connection read more
Use watch to monitor a command at some frequency on Linux
Use watch with -n to watch a command ever 2 seconds. e.g. To watch top command with first 12 lines every 2 seconds:watch -n 2 read more
Linux what package provides a file
Using rpm We can use rpm on Centos/RHEL/Amazon Linux based system to file which package provides a specific file. e.g. rpm -q -f /usr/bin/watchprocps-3.2.8-45.16.amzn1.x86_64 Alternatively read more