csvkit – parse csv file and data on Linux command line
csvkit can be used to extract and process fields from a csv file on Linux or Mac. Install python3 if not installed already. The command read more
Linux replace comma with newline
To replace comma of any other character with newline on Linux or Mac, the following tr command can be used tr ‘,’ ‘\n’ filename or read more
mysql – how to enable query logs
The steps to enable mysql query logs on Mysql 5.7 (should work on other versions also) on Linux Edit /etc/my.cnf and add the followinggeneral_log=1general_log_file=/var/log/mysqlquery.log Ensure read more
mysql find recently created-tables
The query to find recently created tables in mysql select table_schema, table_name, create_timefrom information_schema.TABLESwhere table_schema not in (‘information_schema’, ‘mysql’)order by CREATE_TIME desc
Install php 7 on Amazon Linux 2
Steps to install php 7.3 or higher versions on Amazon Linux 3 Install many remi repos remi-php74, remi-php74, etc. (but keep them disabled)sudo yum install read more
Amazon Linux 2 install apache 2.4
Steps to install and enable httpd/apache 2.4 on Amazon Linux 2. sudo yum install httpd sudo systemctl start httpd sudo systemctl enable httpd
Linux yum quick tutorial
Linux Yum handy commands for Amazon Linux, Centos, RHEL Linux Show Repository listsudo yum repolistsudo yum repolist all (includes disabled also) List all packages from read more
Mysql 5.7 root password after installation
A random root password is generated and logged in log /var/log/mysqld.log sudo cat /var/log/mysqld.log | grep -i password2020-06-02T17:39:23.434297Z 1 [Note] A temporary password is generated read more
How to install mysql 5.7 on Amazon Linux 2
Steps to install mysql 5.7 on Amazon Linux 2 Install Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)sudo yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm(you can alternatively use sudo amazon-linux-extras install read more
Top 5 Free Screen Recorder Software For Windows 10
There are many choices available for free screen recorders that can serve your purpose, whether to record a session for YouTube channel or to create read more