CSS right
CSS right property decides the right offset (right edge of element offset from right edge of container) for positioned elements. An element is considered positioned read more
CSS top
CSS top property decides the top offset for positioned elements. An element is considered positioned if its position property has value other than static. Few read more
CSS left
CSS left property decides the left offset for positioned elements. An element is considered positioned if its position property has value other than static. Few read more
CSS – place a div in bottom right corner of browser
To place a div in bottom right corner of browser or iframe, we can use position:fixed along with right and bottom property value assigned to read more
Javascript – declare and invoke anonymous function at the same time
Javascript can declare anonymous function and call it at the same time using the following syntax: (function (arg1, arg2, …) { }) (arg1, arg2, …); read more
Online typescript to javascript compiler
This online compiler can be used to compile typescript to javascript.
Online sass to css compiler
This online transformer can be used to compile sass v3 (scss) to css using node-sass.
Mysql – get size of all databases
Mysql contains size of all tables in information_schema.TABLES table. The following query can be used to get size of all databases on a mysql server: read more
Display keys added to ssh-agent using ssh-add
To display keys added to ssh-agent using ssh-add, run the following commands. Lists fingerprints of all identities currently represented by the agent $ ssh-add -l read more
Mysql – display row count and size of tables
Mysql SHOW TABLE STATUS command can be used to display information about all or specified tables in mysql db. Here are some examples: Show status read more