HTML input checkbox
HTML input tag with type=checkbox can be used to create check box in html. It can also be nested in label tag. When inside label read more
Ruby gem – handy reference
Ruby gem is a package manager for the Ruby programming language. Here are some gem handy commands on Mac or Linux. Install a package $ read more
Install sass on Mac or Linux using ruby gem
Sass can be installed on Mac or Linux using ruby gem. To install sass follow these steps. Install sass gem $ sudo gem install sass read more
Use netcat (nc) to listen on tcp or udp port
Netcat (nc) can be use as a mini server which can listen to either tcp or udp port on Mac or Linux. nc – listen read more
CSS – enlarge image on hover
CSS transform:scale(2, 2) can be used on hover to resize (double) an image (horozontally and vertically). We can use any scale factor. Here is an read more
CSS background image example
The background-image property sets the background image of an element.
CSS background-color
The background-color property sets the background color of an element. The color is drawn behind any background images. Example – background-color
wget handy commands
Here are some handy wget commands wget with username and password In case a url requires simple web auth, one can use the following wget read more
CSS flexbox – align div vertically and horizontally in center
CSS flexbox can be used to align a div in center of container div both vertically and horizontally. Use the flexbox with following properties: justify-content: read more
jQuery – text input field – change keyup and paste events
jQuery can be used to handle these events on an input text field. change (when text input field changes and loses focus) $(‘input#field1’).on(‘change’, function(evt) { read more