December 2022

Mac kubernetes – create two container pod with shared volume

This tutorial will cover steps to create a pod with nginx container and ubuntu containers with shared volume. Both containers will have the same IP read more

Mac – create a one container pod and get shell to it

Steps to create a pod with nginx container and get shell to it: Create config file shell-demo.yaml Create the podkubectl apply -f shell-demo.yaml Get a read more

Mac – enable and use kubernetes in docker

Mac Docker comes with kubernetes embedded which can be enabled. Here the steps to enable and use kubernetes: Click on settings icons in Docker desktop, read more

Mac – docker sample – single container dev env – quick start

Steps to start create and run docker sample – single container dev env: Install Visual Studio Code Install dev Containers extension in Visual Studio Code read more

Mac – find which process is listening on a port

We can use lsof or netstat to find which process is listening on a port. Here are the steps: To see which process is listening read more

NextJS Quick start tutorial on Mac

Quick start tutorial steps for installing NextJS: Install Node on Mac Create NextJS projectnpx create-next-app@latest –javascript(We can name it proj1) Run the app in dev read more

NestJS Quick start tutorial on Mac

Quick start tutorial steps for installing NestJS: Install Node on Mac Install NestJSnpm i -g @nestjs/cli Create new nest projectnest new proj1 To create a read more

minikube kubernetes – how to access service IP endpoint using curl

This tutorial assumers that minikube kubernetes is already installed. Steps to access service IP endpoint using curl Instal minikube and kubernetes create multi replica deployment read more

minikube kubernetes – how to access specific pod IP endpoint using curl

This tutorial assumers that minikube kubernetes is already installed. Steps to access pod IP endpoint using curl Instal minikube and kubernetes create multi replica deployment read more

Linux – find top directories by used disk size (excluding size of subdirectories)

Find top directories by size is useful to find and delete large files on Linux. One can use du command for this. Change to Linux read more

minikube kubernetes – create deployment with multiple replica and load balancer

This tutorial assumers that minikube kubernetes is already installed. Steps to create a deployment with 3 replicas and load balancer: Start a cluster with 2 read more

Mac m1 – minikube – create multi node kubernetes cluster

This tutorial assumers that minikube kubernetes is already installed. Steps to create multi node cluster : Start a cluster with 2 nodes: minikube start –nodes read more

Mac – kubernetes minikube – create deployment

This tutorial assumers that minikube kubernetes is already installed. Steps to install deploy a test application on kubernetes cluster: create deployment kubectl create deployment hello-minikube read more

Mac m1 – How to Install Kubernetes with minikube

Steps to install kubernetes on Mac m1: Install docker on mac (m1) from the link. Run docker. Install minikube. minikube lets you run Kubernetes on read more

Mac m1 – How to Install Kubernetes with kind

Steps to install kubernetes on Mac m1: Install docker on mac (m1) from the link. Run docker. Install kind. kind lets you run Kubernetes on read more