CSS – place a div in bottom right corner of browser
To place a div in bottom right corner of browser or iframe, we can use position:fixed along with right and bottom property value assigned to read more
CSS – round toggle switch using checkbox and label
Css round toggle switch can be implemented using html checkbox and a label tag which appears after it. The high level approach steps are: We read more
Install sass on Mac or Linux using ruby gem
Sass can be installed on Mac or Linux using ruby gem. To install sass follow these steps. Install sass gem $ sudo gem install sass read more
CSS – enlarge image on hover
CSS transform:scale(2, 2) can be used on hover to resize (double) an image (horozontally and vertically). We can use any scale factor. Here is an read more
CSS3 Gradient examples
A gradient is an image that smoothly fades from one color to another. These are commonly used for subtle shading in background images, buttons, and read more
Test site css, javascript, html in old IEs
We frequently need to test css, javascript and HTML in old IE (internet explorer) browsers on Windows. This can be done using IE11 developer tools read more
CSS clearfix – clear float automatically using ::after
A clearfix class is a way for an element to automatically clear left and right float on its child elements. This eliminates the need to read more
CSS – drop cap effect
CSS drop cap effect can be achieved by making first letter of bigger size (keeping line height not so large) and the applying float:left on read more
CSS – how to do first letter capital and bigger
CSS first letter can be made capital and bigger using pseudo element ::first-letter. Here is sample html/css code:
Create circle and oval in CSS
CSS circle and oval can be created using border-radius on a div. For circle the horizontal and vertical radius of each corner is same, whereas read more
How to create CSS triangles or arrow heads
CSS triangles (arrow heads) in various directions (up, down, left, right) can be created using a combination of thick CSS borders (visible and transparent) on read more
CSS automatic table row numbering
CSS3 counters can be used to number table rows automatically. We need to maintain a counter per row and display it using ::before on first read more
CSS automatic nested numbering for headings
CSS counters are variables maintained by CSS whose values may be incremented by CSS rules to track how many times they are used. Here is read more
CSS counters – automatic numbering before h2
CSS counters are variables maintained by CSS whose values may be incremented by CSS rules to track how many times they are used. Here is read more
CSS – align div in center vertically
To place a div (or any block level element) of unknown size containing text, in center of its parent vertically, the following approach can be read more
CSS unset value examples
If CSS property value is unset, then if it is an inherited property, this is treated as inherit, and if it is not, this is read more
CSS inherit value examples
CSS inherit value is used to set a css property value to its parent element value. It can be used during debugging (e.g. In Chrome read more
CSS initial value examples
CSS initial value is used to reset a css property to its user-agent value. It can be used during debugging (e.g. In Chrome developer tools) read more
node-sass quick start tutorial on Linux and Mac
Sass (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) is a style sheet language which brings programming features like variables, etc. to css. It makes maintaining and modifications in css read more
CSS – !important examples
CSS annotation !important will override all other styles (irrespective if specificity). Note that using annotation !important is discouraged and should be avoided. Here are some read more
CSS – margin collapsing
In CSS adjoining vertical margins of two or more boxes (these may or may not be siblings), can combine to form a single margin. These read more
CSS – align div in center horizontally
Div (when a block level element) or any other block level element can be aligned in center of its container using property margin-left:auto and margin-right:auto. read more
CSS – align text in center horizontally
Text can be aligned in center of a div or any other block level element using CSS property text-align:center. Note that this property applies of read more
CSS – inline-block and baseline alignment
When we use display:inline-block to place elements next to each other, by default their baseline is aligned to to parent baseline unless vertical-align property of read more
CSS – align multiple divs horizontally
To align div horizontally, one solution is to use css float property. But a better solution is to to use CSS display:inline-block on all divs read more
Css source map example using gulp-sourcemaps
If you are concatenating multiple css files into once css file, it is useful to have sourcemap in your combined css file in development environment. read more
Csslint – quick command-line tutorial and how to use it for pre-deployment sanity check
Csslint can be used to check the syntax of a css file. This can be used in release/deployment scripts to check the syntax of css read more
CSS – :nth child, :nth-last-child, :first-child, :last-child pseudo classes examples
CSS nth-child, nth-last-child, first-child, last-child pseudo class selectors (:nth-child(), :nth-last-child(), :first-child, :last-child) are pretty powerful css selectors to create very useful styles in html. Here read more
How to display a div in browser window center
To display a div in browser window center we can use css position value fixed. The left and top value of fixed position are relative read more
CSS – how to align image and text in center vertically
We frequently need to center text and images when we are writing HTML/CSS. This can be done by using vertical-align:middle property on the child element read more
CSS menu using css pseudo element :hover
CSS hover pseudo element can be used to create simple menu without using any Javascript. This is achieved by making menu children visible when parent read more
CSS – use :before to add heading to a div
Css pseudo element/selector :before can be used to prepend some content before an element using a class or any other selector. This can be pretty handy read more
viewport and media queries for mobile browsers – quick introduction
Html meta tag viewport should be set to appropriate value for responsive web sites. Viewport content values like width define how the site will render read more
How to use html pre tag to display code
Html pre tag can be used to display code on WordPress blog or any site. HTML pre tag represent preformatted text. Text within this element is read more
Web fonts – beginner’s survival guide to web typography
There are lots of fonts available which can be used when you are designing a web site. There is no strict rule on choice of read more
How to display text on image using css
Css position can be used to place a text over an image. This can used to place some text like alpha or beta over a read more