January 2023

Mac – how to use kubernetes with Lima-VM

Lima is Linux virtual machines (on macOS, in most cases). Lima launches Linux virtual machines with automatic file sharing and port forwarding (similar to WSL2), read more

Mac podman quick start guide

Steps to install podman on mac Instal podman and podman-desktopbrew install podmanbrew install podman-desktop Init and start podmanpodman machine initpodman machine start Start podman deskop read more

Mac docker minikube kubernetes – how to get shell access to container

In case you are running a docket and minikube or some other kubernetes, here are ways to ssh to a container: To ssh to a read more

Mac docker – create getting-started image and run container using it

This tutorial will cover steps to create a docker image for getting-started code and run a container with it. Run a container and clone getting-started read more