Redis is a fast key value cache and store. It is useful to get familiar with some handy redis command line interface (cli) commands. Here are some quick start commands which can be handy at times:
Connecting to redis
Connecting to redis db running on a specific host and port
//redis-cli -h [hostname] -p [port] -n [db] $ redis-cli -h localhost -p 6379 -n 0
Executing a set command
Executing a set command on redis running on localhost:
$ redis-cli set key1 value1
Executing a set command on redis running on localhost using pipe:
echo "set key1 value1" | redis-cli
Listing all dbs
List all databases where at least one key is defined with total and expiring number of keys:
$ echo "INFO keyspace" | redis-cli
db0:keys=3,expires=0,avg_ttl=0 db1:keys=2,expires=1,avg_ttl=3573665
Listing all keys
Listing all keys in redis
echo "KEYS *" | redis-cli
1) "mykey" 2) "myley2" 3) "key1"
Listing all keys and types
Listing all keys and types in single command using xargs
$ redis-cli KEYS \* | xargs -n 1 -t redis-cli TYPE
redis-cli TYPE user:1000 hash redis-cli TYPE mykey string redis-cli TYPE myley2 string redis-cli TYPE key1 string
Listing all keys and values
Listing all keys and values (works if all values are strings) in single command using xargs
$ redis-cli KEYS \* | xargs -n 1 -t redis-cli GET
redis-cli GET mykey "10" redis-cli GET myley2 "val2" redis-cli GET key1 "value1"
redis currently used memory
Currently used memory by redis in human readable format:
$ redis-cli INFO | grep "used_memory_human"