If you don’t need xmlrpc in your wordpress, you can disable it at various places like http x-pingback header, html meta tags, etc. Here are quick instructions to do it. This will require you to have a custom plugin for your wordpress site where you can add some php code.
Remove X-Pingback http header
This is how x-pingback header appears by default in wordpress posts and other pages:
To disable it add the following code to your custom wordpress header:
add_filter('wp_headers', function($headers, $wp_query){ if (array_key_exists('X-Pingback', $headers)) { unset($headers['X-Pingback']); } return $headers; }, 11, 2);
Remove rel=”pingback” meta tag
This is how rel=”pingback” tag looks like in wordpress post html:
To disable this, you can use the following code snippet in site custom wordpress plugin:
add_filter('bloginfo_url', function($output, $property){ error_log("====property=" . $property); return ($property == 'pingback_url') ? null : $output; }, 11, 2);
Remove EditUri meta tag
By default wordpress posts also contains xpmrpc.php in EditUri meta tag as shown below:
To remove meta tag for EditUrl, you can use the following plugin code snipper:
add_action('wp', function(){ remove_action('wp_head', 'rsd_link'); }, 11);
Note that we have used priority=11 as default wordpress priority is 10 and we want to execute our custom code in the end of default plugins and filters.