Variable in string approach
Use curly braces {} around variable (${VARNAME}) in case text begins with alphanumeric character.
#!/bin/bash A="HelloA" B="$A Some other string" echo $B B="${A}Some other string" echo $B
HelloA Some other string HelloASome other string
Env: GNU bash, version 4.2.46
Concatenate variable with string
#!/bin/bash A="HelloA" B=$A"Some other string" echo $B
HelloASome other string
Env: GNU bash, version 4.2.46
Use =+ operator
Everything by default treated as string by +=
#!/bin/bash A="HelloA" A+=" Some other string" echo $A A=1 A+=2 echo $A
HelloA Some other string 12
Env: GNU bash, version 4.2.46