These are various command to list git local and remote branches. Note that local branches may be different from remote branches.
List git local branches
$ git branch
List git remote branches
$ git branch -r
List git all (local and remote) branches
$ git branch -a
List all local branches sorted by last commit date
Here is command to list all local branches sorted by last commit date. It also displays last commit author and date.
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate --format='%(refname) | %(committerdate) | %(authorname)' refs/heads/
List all remote branches sorted by last commit date
Here is command to list all remote branches sorted by last commit date. It also displays last commit author and date.
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate --format='%(refname) | %(committerdate) | %(authorname)' refs/remotes/origin