When brew installs a package, it also links the binary commands to brew prefix location. In case you have installed a package and for reason linking did not happen properly, you can relink the package. Here are steps to do brew relink for package imagamagick.
brew – unlinking a package
First run the following to unlink imagamagick.
$ brew unlink imagemagick Unlinking /usr/local/Cellar/imagemagick/6.9.2-7... 72 symlinks removed
brew – linking a package
- Run the following to link imagamagick in dryrun mode. This will also list down what all will get linked.
$ brew link imagemagick --dry-run
- To do actual linking run the following
$ brew link imagemagick Linking /usr/local/Cellar/imagemagick/6.9.2-7... 71 symlinks created
- To see if link has been for created for one command (e.g. convert), run the following
$ ls -l $(brew --prefix)/bin/convert
Note that
brew --prefix
will list the brew prefix for installation.