Linux/Unix – find inode number of a file
To find the inode number of a file on Linux/Unix the following approaches can be used. Find inode using ls $ ls -i file1.txt 412882 read more
Linux/Unix – truncate a large log file without deleting it
Sometimes we need to truncate (make it size 0) a large opened file by a running process (e.h. php error log, apache error logs, custom read more
HTML – is closing li tag required?
HTML li tag can be used inside ul or ol tags. Its closing tag is optional and it makes html more readable and less verbose. read more
CSS box-sizing – impact on padding and border
CSS box-sizing decides if specified width, height, etc. will apply to content area of an element or to whole element including padding and border. Example read more
Linux – command to check swap size
Swap space is the area on a hard disk which is part of the Virtual Memory. Swap space temporarily holds memory pages that are inactive. read more
AngularJS animattion using ng-class
Angular ngAnimate can be used to create animation effect using animation aware directives. Usage: Example – animate with ng-class This example uses ng-class to toggle read more
Python merge two lists (arrays)
To merge two (or more) lists (arrays) the operator plus (+) can be used. It will append items of 2nd list to first list and read more
AngularJS ng-if – conditional dom tree
Angular ng-if directive removes or recreates a portion of the DOM tree based on an expression (true or false). Usage: Example – ng-if without animation read more
CSS transition-delay
The CSS transition-delay property defines when the transition will start. It delays the transition from when it is applied. Example – transition-delay
CSS transition-timing-function
The CSS transition-timing-function property describes how the intermediate values used during a transition will be calculated. In order words it describes transition effects like ease, read more