CSS pseudo class :hover
The :hover pseudo-class applies while the user takes mouse on an element. Note that user may not click on it. Using :hover one can change read more
CSS calc function for numeric values
CSS calc() function allows expressions with addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/) to be used as component values. It can be used read more
jQuery – load a script with cache enabled
jQuery method jQuery.getScript() can be used as a shorthand to load a script given its url. This by default disables cache by appending extra random read more
jQuery – check if element is visible in viewport ofter scroll
To check if an element is visible in window viewport after vertical scrolling the following approach can be used using jQuery. Note that this approach read more
CSS general sibling selector
Sometimes we need to define css style for general sibling elements. These may not be adjacent but should have same container parent. It can be read more
CSS – drop cap effect
CSS drop cap effect can be achieved by making first letter of bigger size (keeping line height not so large) and the applying float:left on read more
CSS – how to do first letter capital and bigger
CSS first letter can be made capital and bigger using pseudo element ::first-letter. Here is sample html/css code:
CSS ::first-letter pseudo element
The ::first-letter pseudo-element represents the first letter of an element, if it is not preceded by any other content (img, or inline tables). If an read more
CSS ::first-line pseudo element
The ::first-line pseudo-element describes the contents of the first formatted line of an element. Example – ::first-line
CSS color value currentColor
CSS property color can have a special value currentColor. Its computed value is same as the computer value of color property. One possible use case read more