Preview popular fonts in browser

Here is the list of some popular fonts and how they look in your browser. Note that we used "font-family:[font];" css in a textarea to display the preview. In case a font is not available in the browser, it will display the default bowser font.

Generic font family - sans-serif fonts preview

Arial font preview [sans-serif]

Verdana font preview [sans-serif]

Helvetica Neue font preview [sans-serif]

Helvetica font preview [sans-serif]

Open Sans font preview [sans-serif]

Trebuchet MS font preview [sans-serif]

Tahoma font preview [sans-serif]

Geneva font preview [sans-serif]

Charcoal font preview [sans-serif]

Generic font family - serif fonts preview

Georgia font preview [serif]

Times new roman font preview [serif]

Times font preview [serif]

Generic font family - monospace fonts preview

Courier New font preview [monospace]

Courier font preview [monospace]