Python itertools imap is efficient way of mapping and looping over a large iterable. Here is the usage for imap:
itertools.imap(function, *iterables)
The function should take one or more arguments (depending upon how many iterables are passed) and should return new value.
Here are some examples.
itertools imap with function on one list
Given a list of numbers get a new list with items squared using function.
import itertools def square(x): return x*x a = [1,2,4,10] b = itertools.imap(square, a) print b for i in b: print i
<itertools.imap object at 0x7f3e84bd4790> 1 4 16 100
Env: Python 2.7.18
itertools imap with lambda one one list
Given a list of numbers get a new list with items squared using lambda.
import itertools a = [1,2,4,10] b = itertools.imap(lambda x: x*x, a) print b for i in b: print i
<itertools.imap object at 0x7fd09cd16750> 1 4 16 100
Env: Python 2.7.18
itertools imap on two lists
Given two lists of numbers get a new list where items are sum of items from these two lists.
import itertools a = [1,2,4,10] b = [2,2,3,3] new = itertools.imap(lambda x, y: x+y, a, b) print new for i in new: print i
<itertools.imap object at 0x7f3cc3b9e750> 3 4 7 13
Env: Python 2.7.18