Docker tutorials and examples

Docker quick start guide on Mac

Docker is an open-source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers. Here is Docker quick start guide on Mac. Install docker toolbox read more

Docker quick start guide on Ubuntu

Docker is an open-source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers. Here is Docker quick start guide on Ubuntu Linux. We’ll use read more

Docker how to add a user to group docker on Linux

It is a good idea to add a user to docker group. In case user is not added to docker group, you may see the read more

Docker container – handy commands

Some handy command to work with containers. We’ll assume a docker image ubuntu is available on current machine. Run interactive shell (or any other command) read more

How to get docker container IP

Docker inspect can be used to get information including IP address about a container using its id or name. $ docker inspect [container_name_or_id] To get read more

Run nginx in docker container

Docker can be used to run nginx in a container. We’ll use Ubuntu Linux (14.04.2) for the purpose of this tutorial. This tutorial assumes that read more

Ubuntu docker – storage driver aufs not supported error

In case you get the following error in docker service start log (/var/log/upstart/docker.log) on Ubuntu Linux (14.04), [graphdriver] prior storage driver “aufs” failed: driver not read more

How to find docker host ip on Mac

Docker runs a separate Docker host (small footprint Linux VM) on Mac which is different from main machine. So any port which maps to container read more

Docker – how to rerun a container with different flags

In case you want to rerun a running container with different flags (e.g. -p port1:port2), you can follow these steps. Stop the container and commit read more

Docker managing images – command line cheat sheet

Docker images are needed to create and run a container. These are be pulled from remote docker repository or can also be created locally. Here read more

Install nginx and php in docker ubuntu container

Docker can be used to install nginx and php5 (php-mpm) in a ubuntu container. We’ll cover docker running on Mac and Ubuntu Linux for the read more