Jenkins tutorials and examples

Install and setup Jenkins on Ubuntu Linux

Jenkins is an open source continuous integration (CI) tool written in java. It can be used to run (on-demand or periodic) build and test jobs read more

Jenkins how to clone a project

Sometimes we need to create a replica of a project or project with similar configuration in Jenkins. This helps in avoiding entering project configuration data read more

Jenkins – how to setup build failure email

Getting email of a build failure is a common use case in Jenkins. We would want to get notified whenever any build fails and when read more

Jenkins – how to setup build cron

Jenkins supports setting build triggers using Jenkins crons. This way build will run at regular interval and possibly Jenkins can send email on failure. Here read more

Jenkins execute shell – how to continue on error

In case can you are using Jenkins shell commands to run tests and are running multiple commands, by default Jenkins exits the comment one shell read more

Jenkins – how to delete old builds

Jenkins supports deleting old builds for a project by days or maxium number of builds to keeps. This is useful to keep disk usage under read more