Rss Feed Tutorials

How to setup MailChimp Rss email campaign

MailChimp can be used to setup email campaign and send a regular email newsletter to all the email address in a list. Most common use read more

Google feedburner email subscription vs Mailchimp

Google feedburner offers an email subscription to your feeds. So far I was using that. Mailchimp is one of the most popular email list management read more

How to setup Google feedburner email subscription newsletter

If you are using Google feedburner for rss feeds, you can setup feedburner email subscription newsletter within few minutes. I have been using it for quite read more

How to redirect wordpress feed to feedburner feed url

If you have been using wordpress for directly serving rss feed and have recently migrated to feedburner, then some of your users are still being read more

How to use your own domain name for feedburner feed urls

When you create a feed your your wordpress blog you get a url of the form You can change to your own domain. It read more

How to create rss feed for wordpress blog on Google feedburner

When you install wordpress you automatically get feed or rss setup at url /feed/ (or /rss/). It seems to be a good option to continue read more